

BLSA fully supports job summit

03/10/2018 | By Admin

At the heart of Business Leadership South Africa (BLSA) strategic intent, is creating inclusive economic growth, job creation and transformation. We genuinely believe that this pillar rests on nurturing partnerships amongst government, business, labour and civil societies.

To this end, BLSA welcomes the Job Summit that kicks off this Thursday, 4th of October as an important occasion, a significant platform where all stakeholders can make tangible commitments to create and retain jobs that are necessary for our economic development – and social cohesion.

 “Our country desperately needs jobs. For the last two centuries, we have held at least one out of four people being unemployed. Today, over 37% of our people are unemployed; that is over 9 million people. Our youth unemployment at 57% represents a ticking time-bomb”, CEO of BLSA Bonang Mohale observed.

 BLSA encourages all stakeholders to seize the opportunity by making firm commitments that are aimed at rebuilding our country through tangible actions. This conclave is timely as it follows in the footsteps of our President’s economic recovery plan and stimulus package, announced a fortnight ago.

Now is the time to put South Africa first. Now is an opportunity to create a future that we want for ourselves and our generation. BLSA fully supports the Job Summit.