
PRESS STATEMENT: Progress update on government and business collaboration

Six of the eight work streams of the National Logistics Crisis Committee (NLCC) are now fully operational, while the remaining… continue reading


PRESS STATEMENT: Progress reported in government and business partnership, with commitment to further accelerate key actions

The partnership between the South African government and business has mobilised teams to start delivering meaningful progress toward South Africa’s… continue reading


MEDIA STATEMENT: South African CEOs from over 115 companies pledge commitment to building the country

CEOs from over 115 of South Africa’s leading corporations have signed a pledge underpinning their collective belief in South Africa,… continue reading


The fight against GBV continues

With the gender-based violence (GBV) rate in South Africa being five times higher than the global average, it is essential… continue reading


Media Statement: The fight against GBV continues

“South Africa has notoriously high levels of violence against women and children. We cannot operate like everything is normal, while… continue reading


PRESS RELEASE: Alleged Sale of Weapons to Russia

Traditionally BLSA would not comment on foreign policy issues. But our government’s stance on the Ukraine conflict is now having… continue reading


Joint business statement on allegations of corruption made public by ANDRE De RUYTER

Business has carefully considered the latest developments at Eskom. Our response is informed by the concern we have about the… continue reading


Press release: Budget Speech 2023

BLSA expected the country’s fiscal trajectory to weaken given the Eskom debt transfer and while SA’s high debt level is… continue reading


Media statement: André de Ruyter’s resignation met with great disappointment

BLSA is extremely concerned that international support for SA’s just energy transition might now be at risk if a change… continue reading


Media Statement: BLSA statement on the Phala Phala panel

BLSA will continue to stand resolutely in support of the rule of law and we call on all stakeholders in… continue reading


Media release: Positive MTBPS with improved fiscal trajectory likely to boost investor appetite

BLSA welcomes the 2022 Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) tabled today by Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana that affirms the country’s… continue reading


Media Statement: Joint statement from BUSA and BLSA on Transnet Strike

Short term solutions can create unintended consequences in difficult industrial relationship situations, especially if inflation remains elevated for some time,… continue reading


Press Release: BLSA Releases Report on Potential FATF Grey Listing

BLSA has today released an independent report on the prospect of South Africa being grey listed by the Financial Action… continue reading


MEDIA STATEMENT: Release of the Auditor-General’s first special report on flood relief funds

We are heartened by the AG’s ongoing, independent outputs that speak truth to power with neither fear nor favour.… continue reading


Media release: BLSA welcomes the president’s energy plan and applauds its bold approach

We hope the measures announced in the president’s plan will be implemented with both urgency and purpose as well as… continue reading